Convey the emotion in your digital marketing with emojis

Convey the emotion in your digital marketing with emojis
Jan 22

Donna Palermo

Community Management

Customer Relationship Management

Digital Strategy

Lead Generation

Social Media

They say a picture’s worth a thousand words – and what better way to illustrate this than through the use of emojis? These fun icons play an important role in human communications on digital mediums. Copy that’s otherwise bland and emotionless can be livened up considerably if you use the appropriate emoji to convey the emotion in the words. Digitised interactions also become more human and colourful with emojis.

Since emojis are so popular and engaging, brands have started integrating them into marketing messages. But how do you incorporate emojis into digital marketing to make the right impression for your brand?

What’s the big deal?

The use of emojis is becoming the fastest-growing language on earth with a system of more than 3 000 emojis that’s constantly being expanded. Social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook are dominated by emojis, which are used in everyday informal communications. According to Emojiipedia: “One in five (19.04%) of tweets contains at least one emoji,” and on average more than 60 million emojis are sent every day on Facebook.

Why do people use them?

Emojis are universal: Emojis can bridge any communication gap. Smiley faces, hearts and pizza slices are understood by everyone. Almost anyone can be reached by a single post.

They send a clear message: It’s difficult to pick up on audio and visual cues through text, but images can be used to convey more information with fewer words.

They humanise your brand: Besides making messages more human and personal, emojis also emphasise the feelings of the writer.

Emojis in social copy

They drive engagement on social media: Your social media posts can drive engagement just by the use of emojis. You can boost engagement further by asking your followers to engage with your post in a fun and creative way.

People love emojis and find it easier to connect with a brand when they are used. Some brands, like Coca-Cola, have gone as far as creating their own emojis. The world of emojis is your playground and it’s definitely an aspect that deserves attention in your digital marketing.

Marketing-wise, emojis are undeniably useful. Wordstream states that emojis in a tweet can increase engagement by 25.4% and Zazzle Media found that emojis in a Facebook post can increase the number of likes by 57% and the number of comments and shares by 33%. Clearly, emojis can dramatically increase engagement, so there's no reason not to use them.

Wait, we’re not done just yet, check out the infographic below:

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